Capitol Caucus

This signature AAPAN event builds our brand on Capitol Hill and strengthens our voice as an industry advocate. AAPAN membership will engage in meaningful discussion face-to-face with policymakers, legislators and Washington insiders. Attendance is open to all association membership.

Thank You to Our Sponsors:

2024 CAucus highlights

Our 2024 Capitol Caucus was well perceived and attendees appreciated the diverse speakers, information and opinions. Attendees heard a legislative address from Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-IA) pictured right with AAPAN Chairman, Kevin Tribout and AAPAN President and CEO, Julian Roberts; Hill Update with Nolan Ahern, Deputy Policy Director with House Majority Whip Tom Emmer; Political Update with David Drucker, Washington Dispatch; Polling Update with BJ Martino, Tarrance Group; National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) presentation with Brian Webb the Director of Health Policy & Affairs Assistant Director for Life and Health Policy and Legislation. We would like to thank our event sponsors: Birdsong Hearing Benefits and Gemini Diversified Services.