Capitol Caucus
This signature AAPAN event builds our brand on Capitol Hill and strengthens our voice as an industry advocate. AAPAN membership will engage in meaningful discussion face-to-face with policymakers, legislators and Washington insiders. Attendance is open to all association membership.
2024 CAucus highlights
Our 2024 Capitol Caucus was well perceived and attendees appreciated the diverse speakers, information and opinions. Attendees heard a legislative address from Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-IA) pictured right with AAPAN Chairman, Kevin Tribout and AAPAN President and CEO, Julian Roberts; Hill Update with Nolan Ahern, Deputy Policy Director with House Majority Whip Tom Emmer; Political Update with David Drucker, Washington Dispatch; Polling Update with BJ Martino, Tarrance Group; National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) presentation with Brian Webb the Director of Health Policy & Affairs Assistant Director for Life and Health Policy and Legislation. We would like to thank our event sponsors: Birdsong Hearing Benefits and Gemini Diversified Services.