AAPAN represents a full spectrum of health specialties that are integrated in the U.S. healthcare system yet have unique needs. In the membership’s best interest, alliances for hearing, physical medicine (chiropractic and integrative care, occupational/physical/speech therapy, etc.) and vision were created to ensure maximum benefit. This collaboration fortifies our voice as we strive to increase access and enhance choice for consumers navigating today’s dynamic healthcare delivery system. AAPAN recognizes that while our member organizations must overcome many of the same obstacles to achieve this goal, some specialties face unique challenges. To position those specialties for success in meeting those challenges AAPAN has formed specialty-specific alliances that meet monthly to develop and execute strategies that promote the alliance’s value proposition.

The Hearing Network Alliance (HNA) is an AAPAN Alliance that brings together senior leaders of hearing health care networks.

The Physical Medicine Management Alliance (PMMA) is an AAPAN Alliance that consists of organizations representing care management companies who specialize in physical medicine, musculoskeletal care and wellness.

The National Association of Vision Care Plans (NAVCP) is the unified voice for the managed vision care industry.